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Text File | 1999-01-22 | 7.7 KB | 1,511 lines |
- ,*
- ,
- (
- )
- [
- ]
- :
- -
- +
- not
- *
- /
- mod
- contains
- starts
- and
- or
- =
- <
- <>
- <=
- >
- >=
- &
- &&
- then
- else
- the
- char
- word
- item
- line
- #
- true
- false
- return
- enter
- tab
- backSpace
- quote
- empty
- field
- sprite
- put
- go
- play
- to
- if
- into
- before
- after
- idle
- startMovie
- stopMovie
- stepMovie
- mouseUp
- mouseDown
- done
- frame
- method
- of
- me
- off
- macro
- factory
- while
- repeat
- end
- with
- movie
- type
- castNum
- top
- left
- width
- height
- linesize
- ink
- keyDown
- within
- intersects
- nosound
- byFrame
- click
- clickStop
- loop
- noUpdate
- sync
- tempo
- whatfits
- mnew
- mname
- mdescribe
- matframe
- right
- bottom
- locV
- locH
- pattern
- transition
- palette
- sound
- editableText
- moveableSprite
- pause
- timeout
- label
- puppet
- immediate
- forecolor
- backcolor
- stretch
- cursor
- text
- hilite
- cast
- mverb
- mdispose
- mget
- mput
- super
- noflush
- xcmdglue
- midiStart
- midiStop
- midiContinue
- midiBeat
- midiSong
- midiSongpointer
- constraint
- mPerform
- mActivate
- mUpdate
- mIdle
- mMouseDown
- mMouseUp
- mKeyDown
- mStartUp
- mQuit
- playRect
- mEvent
- on
- mOpenEditor
- mCloseEditor
- mSetText
- mGetText
- noclear
- mVerbDispose
- startScript
- version
- mRespondsTo
- mInstanceRespondsTo
- mMessageList
- chars
- words
- items
- lines
- picture
- in
- mPerformOther
- fadeIn
- fadeOut
- stop
- playFile
- playCast
- name
- textStyle
- textFont
- textHeight
- textAlign
- textSize
- castmembers
- center
- plain
- bold
- italic
- underline
- outline
- shadow
- condense
- extend
- mSetHandler
- menu
- menus
- menuItem
- menuItems
- mAtTransition
- mCanDoTrans
- mTransDial
- resource
- soundEnabled
- imageDirect
- colorDepth
- exitLock
- fullColorPermit
- selStart
- selEnd
- switchColorDepth
- fixStageSize
- centerStage
- checkBoxAccess
- checkBoxType
- buttonStyle
- multiSound
- stageColor
- beepOn
- mouseDownScript
- mouseUpScript
- keyDownScript
- timeoutScript
- timer
- timeoutLength
- timeoutLapsed
- timeoutKeydown
- timeoutMouse
- timeoutPlay
- number
- volume
- checkMark
- enabled
- script
- floatPrecision
- instance
- global
- set
- exit
- when
- delete
- puppetSound
- open
- ticks
- abs
- length
- string
- charToNum
- numToChar
- sqrt
- integerp
- stringp
- objectp
- floatp
- integer
- offset
- maxinteger
- result
- nothing
- value
- memorysize
- freeBlock
- freeBytes
- commandDown
- optionDown
- stillDown
- shiftDown
- controlDown
- clickOn
- key
- stageLeft
- stageRight
- stageTop
- stageBottom
- machineType
- mouseH
- mouseV
- selection
- pathName
- labelList
- pauseState
- mouseLine
- mouseItem
- mouseWord
- mouseChar
- mouseCast
- colorQD
- doubleClick
- keyCode
- lastClick
- lastKey
- lastRoll
- lastEvent
- marker
- rollOver
- soundBusy
- xfactoryList
- random
- constrainH
- constrainV
- continue
- delay
- openDA
- installMenu
- showResFile
- printFrom
- quit
- spriteBox
- startTimer
- restart
- shutDown
- zoomBox
- openXLib
- closeXLib
- showXLib
- dontPassEvent
- openResFile
- closeResFile
- updateStage
- playAccel
- immediateSprite
- puppetSprite
- puppetTempo
- puppetTransition
- puppetPalette
- alert
- preLoad
- preLoadCast
- mci
- setCallBack
- beep
- showLocals
- showGlobals
- perFrameHook
- long
- short
- abbreviated
- abbrev
- abbr
- time
- date
- do
- clearGlobals
- unLoad
- unLoadCast
- trails
- duration
- controller
- directToStage
- visibility
- ramNeeded
- movieRate
- movieTime
- startTime
- stopTime
- romanLingo
- quickTimePresent
- picturep
- float
- soundLevel
- framesToHMS
- hmsToFrames
- mciWait
- mciBusy
- closeDA
- window
- copyToClipBoard
- pasteClipBoardInto
- move
- importFileInto
- duplicate
- findEmpty
- fileName
- title
- visible
- close
- titleVisible
- tell
- size
- add
- addAt
- addProp
- append
- deleteAt
- deleteAll
- deleteProp
- deleteOne
- getAt
- getProp
- getaProp
- getPropAt
- getPos
- getOne
- getLast
- setAt
- setProp
- setaProp
- count
- findPos
- findPosNear
- sort
- min
- max
- loc
- rect
- point
- inflate
- intersect
- union
- inside
- map
- scriptText
- regPoint
- bitmap
- filmLoop
- button
- shape
- digitalVideo
- modified
- loaded
- castType
- lastFrame
- frameLabel
- framePalette
- frameTempo
- frameScript
- moveToFront
- moveToBack
- sin
- cos
- tan
- atan
- exp
- log
- log10
- power
- pi
- param
- paramCount
- next
- previous
- keyUp
- erase
- depth
- randomSeed
- trace
- saveMovie
- clickLoc
- preLoadEventAbort
- updateMovieEnabled
- drawRect
- sourceRect
- windowType
- modal
- windowList
- itemDelimiter
- last
- keyUpScript
- forget
- down
- moviePath
- movieName
- enterFrame
- exitFrame
- halt
- abort
- pass
- property
- list
- linearList
- propList
- stage
- traceLoad
- traceLogFile
- purgePriority
- frameRate
- preloadRam
- pausedAtStart
- video
- blend
- scoreColor
- scriptNum
- searchPaths
- searchCurrentFolder
- movieFileSize
- movieFileFreeSize
- getNthFileNameInFolder
- actor
- actorList
- ancestor
- collectChangeRects
- updateRect
- stepFrame
- mouseTrack
- birth
- hitTest
- mouseHitTest
- ilk
- void
- voidp
- listp
- symbolp
- crop
- cpuHogTicks
- symbol
- object
- doEffects
- searchPath
- videoForWindowsPresent
- xtra
- xtras
- interface
- member
- members
- castLib
- castLibs
- new
- beginRecording
- endRecording
- clearFrame
- updateFrame
- duplicateFrame
- deleteFrame
- insertFrame
- createName
- modifyName
- playing
- defaultColorDepth
- defaultStageRect
- defaultPalette
- antiAlias
- remapPalettes
- castCount
- memberCount
- minMember
- maxMember
- finishIdleLoad
- cancelIdleLoad
- idleLoadDone
- idleLoadTag
- idleLoadPeriod
- idleLoadMode
- idleReadChunkSize
- idleHandlerPeriod
- preLoadMode
- save
- richText
- ole
- media
- boxType
- border
- margin
- scroll
- dropShadow
- boxDropShadow
- autoTab
- textWrap
- editable
- sampleSize
- sampleRate
- channelCount
- buttonType
- shapeType
- filled
- scriptsEnabled
- track
- tracks
- scriptType
- music
- timeCode
- pushButton
- checkBox
- radioButton
- oval
- roundRect
- score
- parent
- adjust
- fixed
- limit
- digitalVideoTimeScale
- videoForWindows
- quickTime
- fileType
- case
- digitalVideoType
- timeScale
- composite
- image
- textStyles
- moaHandle
- moaPixels
- moaSound
- macPICT
- macGWorld
- macSnd
- macTEStyles
- macColorTable
- winDIB
- winPICT
- winWAVE
- is
- otherwise
- paletteMapping
- updateLock
- frameTransition
- frameSound1
- frameSound2
- waitSeconds
- waitClick
- waitSound
- waitDigitalVideo
- waitCuePoint
- paletteTransitionType
- paletteOverTime
- paletteSpeed
- paletteFrames
- normal
- fadeToBlack
- fadeToWhite
- transitionType
- changeArea
- chunkSize
- lineCount
- lineHeight
- linePosToLocV
- locVToLinePos
- charPosToLoc
- locToCharPos
- pageHeight
- scrollTop
- scrollByPage
- scrollByLine
- systemMac
- systemWin
- rainbow
- grayscale
- pastels
- vivid
- metallic
- authorMode
- trackCount
- trackType
- trackStartTime
- trackStopTime
- trackEnabled
- setTrackEnabled
- trackNextSampleTime
- trackPreviousSampleTime
- trackNextKeyTime
- trackPreviousKeyTime
- trackText
- prepareFrame
- mouseEnter
- mouseLeave
- mouseStillDown
- mouseWithin
- folderName
- activateWindow
- deactivateWindow
- openWindow
- closeWindow
- moveWindow
- resizeWindow
- zoomWindow
- activeWindow
- frontWindow
- windowPresent
- deskTopRectList
- scoreSelection
- memberNum
- castLibNum
- paletteRef
- keyPressed
- rightMouseDown
- rightMouseUp
- emulateMultiButtonMouse
- platform
- preLoadMovie
- unloadMovie
- messageLock
- mouseSprite
- editFocusSprite
- activeCast
- activeCastLib
- maskMember
- serialNumber
- userName
- organizationName
- runMode
- appFileSpec
- productName
- productVersion
- moaTEStyles
- alignment
- font
- fontSize
- fontStyle
- wordWrap
- unloadMember
- preloadMember
- systemWinDir4
- vga
- SetPref
- externalParamCount
- externalParamName
- externalParamValue
- getPref
- stopEvent
- scriptInstanceList
- currentScript
- local
- alertHook
- testPointHook
- spriteNum
- mouseUpOutSide
- getPropertyDescriptionList
- getBehaviorDescription
- runPropertyDialog
- default
- range
- comment
- format
- boolean
- graphic
- indexcolor
- rgbcolor
- cuePointNames
- cuePointTimes
- mediaBusy
- mostRecentCuePoint
- currentTime
- CuePassed
- IsPastCuePoint
- ForcePreloadCuePoints
- Sound1
- Sound2
- Sound3
- Sound4
- Sound5
- Sound6
- Sound7
- Sound8
- mediaReady
- call
- callAncestor
- sendSprite
- sendAllSprites
- beginSprite
- endSprite
- currentSpriteNum
- applicationPath
- space
- frameReady
- tweened
- scriptStyles
- mouseMember
- netPresent
- rowBytes
- safePlayer
- prepareMovie
- send
- sendAncestor
- netThrottleTicks
- soundKeepDevice
- alphaInfo